"If you personify pure Light, humanize radiant divinity, embody the quantum void and localize sacred inspiration in a human soul, you get Cynthia Lane. To spend personal time with Cynthia, is to literally place yourself in the hands of infinity's miracle-filled possibilities, and drink the boundless gifts of grace into the depths of your being.
"Cynthia is truly a transformational giant, a master of untold possibilities, walking humbly yet powerfully on our precious planet. She holds within herself the creative power of a much bigger dimensional source, allowing that source to express its gifts not only to you but, through you, to our entire human family.
"Having been steeped in the mastery levels of many sacred traditions, Cynthia has transformed beyond them all into a unique and non-quantifiable Presence. The result: she now spends her time with us dispensing gifts that cannot be named, awakening us at levels that have no label and deepening us into planes of possibilities that are beyond our dreams. She is one of our age's most beautiful spiritual healers and teachers."
—Bill Bauman, Ph.D.
Helping people discover, embody and live as Light,
embrace their unique path on Earth, and come home to their infinite Source.
Each of us is a special and wonder-filled impulse of Being. We are all uniquely beautiful and amazing flowers in an immense garden of possibilities, part of an immeasurable and dazzling celebration of the infinite potential in God. We are each capable of blossoming into a rich and matchless expression of Divinity.
Made in the image of God, we embody an impulse of God's infinite creativity. As such, we actually help create our personal and collective world: We bring it into existence every second of every day. We co-create the personal universe in which we live, as our thoughts, feelings and beliefs weave our reality — every event, story and circumstance.
Why not live beyond the stories, beliefs and judgments, as your vast and brilliant soul, allowing life to unfold its truth and richness in each moment, through and as you?
How can we open to and merge with the effulgent Light of our souls, and live in deep peace and vibrant fulfillment? FirstLight Transformations opens the door to clear, profound oneness with our infinite Source, and facilitates our ability to fully embody its Light-filled expression — as us!