"My children, I am in you as you are in Me. Creation is my luminous radiation and waves of my love flowing into eternity. As you dwell in my creation, you dwell in Me. You were created to bask in my divine love, and I have placed it all around and within you, within your soul. Now you can hear through my ears, see through my eyes, understand through my wisdom and love infinitely. Leave me out of nothing. Live as your soul." —Cynthia Lane, 2006
Individual Sessions
FirstLight Transformations sessions are a means to open to and become one with your limitless nature. They support your ability to live the infinite on every level of your existence, from the spiritual to the physical, from awareness to every atom and cell. They are also dedicated to the discovery, ownership and actualization of your unique gifts, path and purpose. Come to know yourself as the beautiful Light that you are, the special impulse of Oneness that you are designed to embody, share and enjoy on Earth.
Learn to experience the amazing ways in which you enrich the consciousness of humanity, our planet and the universe, simply by living Wholeness as the magnificent being called "you."
FirstLight Transformations sessions are also a way to become one with and enliven the infinite creativity of the cosmos as it thrives in you. Among many other gifts, oneness with the universe's unbounded creativity facilitates the spontaneous manifestation of the foundation for a Light-based life and physiology.
During each session, you become one with the limitless FirstLight of creation and your soul's extraordinary nature — a magnificent expression of that endlessly brilliant and creative divine Light. As your soul's light, merges more and more completely with your humanity, it becomes a vibrant reality in both your awareness and your body. You begin to experience the expansion, inspiration, peace, empowerment and fulfillment that are innately yours. You gain the ability to live as Light while fully owning and embracing the human experience right down to your cells.
Fully one with you, I effortlessly support you from limitless Being, while that divine FirstLight, expressing as your soul, suffuses, transforms, expands and heals, and then grounds the changes into your everyday life.
FirstLight sessions can help you:
Open to and become one with the FirstLight of creation at every level of your life, from awareness to your senses and cells, and start to live from this field of limitless possibilities and inner freedom.
Merge with that FirstLight and create the Light-blueprint or foundation for a physiology, in whole or in part, that knows itself as Light and functions accordingly.
Rediscover and unite with your soul, the wondrous impulse of wholeness that contains the blueprint for your deep and lasting happiness. At one with your soul's guidance, you can create a life that reflects your exceptional nature.
Feel supported by life. As you start to express your most fulfilling role in the flow of life, you will feel increasingly loved, supported by and unified with the totality of the universe.
Dissolve restrictions to living in and as your infinite Self. Divine Light, in partnership with the Earth's compassionate healing and nourishing power, will help you dissolve or release whatever appears to limit your capacity to integrate and merge with Light. Based on non-resistance, this effortless process can address anything from mental, emotional or spiritual belief systems and confusion, to physiological blocks.
Sessions are available in person, by phone or Skype, and last approximately one hour. Fee: $120
Please email or call to set up an individual appointment: cynthiawrites@msn.com; 505-428-0905
Payment for any of the above can be made by check, cash or Paypal. (See Paypal button below.)
To send a check or cash, mail to: Cynthia Lane, 919 Manzana Court, Santa Fe, NM 87507