"I have worked with Cynthia for the last seven years via workshops, personal sessions, and through the last five of her nine-month mentoring programs. Every year has been better than the last. Cynthia is a true light in the world. She has shown me different ways to see and experience the world and our connection with others, the Earth, nature, and the Infinite. She provides insights that show she is truly one of the enlightened ones, and through that, has helped me on my journey of spiritual growth, expansion, and ultimate freedom. The mentoring program has provided me with the opportunity to connect with others who are on the same journey. Their fellowship and Cynthia’s guidance has created a sense of belonging and support that have opened up new vistas filled with love."
—Joanne Seyl, Gaithersburg, MD
"Listening to an interview, something about Cynthia called to me. I reached out to her, and she helped me immeasurably in a single conversation. Wanting more, I signed up for mentoring in 2020 — as it turned out, a tumultuous year and a tremendous opportunity to dive deep while the world went into semi-quarantine. Before we began, Cynthia asked for our intentions for the mentoring program. I wrote a fairly long list, some things quite amorphous and intangible. And yet, seven months later when the mentoring program came to a close, I discovered that every single intention — and a few I did not know I even had — was realized! If this program calls to you, I cannot recommend it highly enough."
—Grace Gibson, El Paso, TX
"Cynthia is a wonder. She is defines humility. She is deeply connected to the earth and is an extraordinarily gifted mentor. She is magical, powerful, delicate and so rare. I began being mentored by Cynthia nine months ago after decades of being on my path with other teachers. My inner growth has deepened at an exponential speed from her mentoring program, so much so that often I truly am in awe with what is happening within. Cynthia defines integrity and holds a completely sacred space. Cynthia's radiance and effervescent light exude love, joy and laughter. I love her. My gratitude for this experience with Cynthia is boundless. In truth, it’s hard to find the words to describe the mentoring program with Cynthia because so much happens so rapidly and deeply. Being in her presence is akin to sitting under a warm, light-filled rainfall of grace as the inner transformation unfolds."
—Andrea Stone, Los Angeles, CA
"I have explored a number of spiritual teachings over the years and am very grateful for them all. I am very happy now to be working with Cynthia. Her guidance is helping to take me where I have truly always wanted to be. Cynthia shares gentle, loving, light-filled inspection and experience of what it means to Be, simply Be. Cynthia's profound involvement in several ancient teachings is the vessel with which she shares great wisdom. Her meditations have taken me into my core and sent me to the highest heights of bliss, connection, healing and expansion. I love her teaching style. It sometimes informs from a scientific point of view, and often includes beautiful poetry. Laughter, love and light are always present.
"The changes and healing that have occurred in my life from studying with Cynthia have been different from those in the past, which involved lots of intellectual talk, study and much discipline. Having the direct experience of Source, the Light (whatever you want to call it), through Cynthia's teachings and meditations are helping to transform the world, as well as me, and they come with love and ease. Struggle is no longer needed; we can do this a new way."
—Belinda Berse, Santa Fe, NM
"Cynthia's mentoring programs are a wonderful journey towards transforming into living and being the limitless reality of existence. Life is no longer contained only within our minds and physical bodies, but becomes an aspect of the dynamic and creative reality of the cosmic whole.
"Participation in the mentoring group absolutely opened me more to leaving behind physical dependence and transcending the comforts of mental relativity. Cynthia’s guidance and support were totally positive as we each—in our unique ways— plunged into a formlessness not only beyond mind and matter, but also conscious and unconscious, and that which even surpasses our own nature and spirit.
"I’m confident that we will all come to reflect that deep potentiality and light into this world as a radically new dimension of life beyond ego and the need for subjective/ objective orientation. We are each on an incredible journey, merging our individuality with universality. I’m looking forward to more of Cynthia’s programs as exploration continues to unfold, gifts are relished and challenges are faced."
—Bryan L., Lehigh Valley, PA
"Cynthia’s teachings and meditations continue to support my opening to a deeper connection to Mother Earth and All Her Relations, and the reciprocity needed between we living beings and our Mother Earth. I have received many teachings through dreams and wise teachers, and traveled many roads on my life’s journey. But now, in Cynthia’s mentorship teachings and meditations, I am learning to drop “effort” and open to the quantum field of love and light that is ever within and without. Past effort is replaced by “allowing and receiving” the gifts always present for us.
"Cynthia has referred to “the many gifts Creator has placed on our doorstep that are ours for the opening.” Her meditations support us in releasing blocks — mental, emotional and physical — that inhibit our ability to open those gifts and embrace them with gratitude.
"I know and experience now beyond a doubt that we are all connected. I am eternally grateful to have and feel Cynthia’s influence, support, love and mentorship in my life at this crucial shift in human consciousness."
—Micki Halloran, Santa Fe, New Mexico
"Humanity is on a new trajectory, opening us to new ways of Being, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Cynthia’s mentoring program enabled me to tune into and align myself with these new energies. Her ability to shine the Light of awareness and its possibilities onto everyone in the group helped us open the door to our own experience of being a “new human,” and living and creating from the space of divine Love, Peace and Grace.
"Cynthia also helped me navigate through old emotional wounds and habits that prevented me from feeling the joy of life’s possibilities. Her gentle yet firm reminders to “open and receive,” resonated with me more and more completely over time.
"I am grateful to have a mentor and friend in Cynthia, and deeply appreciate the growth and possibilities her program offered me. I’m excited about what lies ahead!"
—Mary Zaleski, Flemington, NJ
"What can be said about one who so simply enlightens, easily enlivens, and gently guides? Always and only Awake, fully Present, in deep in Aliveness, Cynthia is such a One for sure! She is a vast treasure, a simple sage, and a wise woman beyond all measure, whose many gifts of grace I treasure.
"Mentoring with Cynthia, I sometimes arise beyond my mind on a widening river of nothing known, and there is Wisdom. Or, I might land within my warm animal body, or some other cosmic sea of something, and there is Being. But then, inside my heart, an explosion of Light on an infinite ocean of Love, and I know I am awake inside of everything.
"Maybe the deepest mysteries unfurl like a river, open on a sea, and rest as open ocean; I can’t say for certain. What I do know, what I can say, is this: It is good medicine to see and be seen in this way, and I am grateful for Cynthia’s many, Many gifts of guidance."
—David Kisling, Seattle, WA
"Cynthia is the rarest of beings, someone who not only lives in the Light but also is the Light and is grounded enough to share her wisdom and healing gifts with the world. She has devoted her entire adult life to exploring and mastering a number of spiritual disciplines. Interacting with her has been an extraordinary gift for me. So much knowledge, so much love, always enlivened with her gentle sense of humor and laughter. The world is richer because of Cynthia’s mission and so am I."
—Don Wallis, Santa Fe, NM
"Cynthia Lane is one of the most remarkable healers I have ever worked with. She has the ability to take one into the "Absolute", become completely re-wired, and return to one's life renewed, rejuvenated, and more deeply embodied in one's own unique Presence.
"Her ability to hold space during these remarkably transformative times is nothing short of a miracle. I have experienced many true miracles working with her, and have released old blocks and patterns that no longer serve, as well. She is a wise woman, very humble, yet she radiates the light of pure consciousness. Anyone would be blessed to work with her and her healing magic."
—Jane Mottl, Albuquerque, NM
"Cynthia's Mentoring program has brought me from living life in my head to my heart. I am profoundly connected to my unique Self, which has created a joy and freedom I didn't know was possible. The gifts I am discovering and receiving are beyond words. She has incredible wisdom, taught with patience, love and gentle guidance. A big surprise has been that transformation is possible from Being not doing. I highly recommend her program to all."
—Sunny Lange, Sebastopol, CA
"Cynthia has the unique gift of being able to assist anyone in reconnecting to their own divine presence or divine Self. After a visit with her, I am totally uplifted in spirit, mind and body with a new perspective on everything."
—David Chaladoff, Boulder, CO